Color Converter - Free Color Converter - RGB, CMYK, LAB, XYZ, HEX

Accepted formats: HEX, HEX alpha, RGB, RGBA, HSV, HSL, HSLA.
Color Converter

shadeation codes are one kind of HTML shadeation code that you`ll frequently pay attention known as hexadecimal shadeation or hex. The purpose to apply hexadecimal numbers is it`s a human-pleasant illustration of values in binary code. shadeation codes begin with a pound signal or hashtag (#) and are accompanied with the aid of using six letters and/or numbers. The first letters/numbers seek advice from purple, the following seek advice from the inexperienced, and the closing seeks advice from blue. The shadeation values are described in values among 00 and FF (as opposed to from zero to 255 in RGB).

Numbers are used whilst the price is 1-nine. Letters are used whilst the price is better than nine. For instance:
  • A=10

  • B=11

  • C=12

  • D=13

  • E=14

  • F=15

To get a hexadecimal shadeation, comply with those 3 steps:
Multiply the primary variety with the aid of using 16.
Multiply the second variety with the aid of using 1.
Add the 2 totals collectively.

Whether you're a virtual artist who works with Adobe Creative Suite, in a three-D application, or thru internet design, you`ve heard of and probably used hex shades. And even in case you use hex each day, there is a great threat you won't certainly recognize what`s happening with the ones letter/variety mixtures or how they absolutely create shadeation.

That`s where this reachable manual for studying hex shadeation codes comes in.

Understand RGB Color to Help You Understand Color Code

A suitable location to begin earlier than shifting directly to studying hex shadeation codes is mastering the way to recognize RGB shades. RGB numbers are primarily based totally upon display settings of purple, inexperienced, and blue mild. By converting the RGB numbers, you`re telling your display how a good deal of that unique mild shadeation you need to shine.

If you recognize the RGB shadeation system, you realize that shades are provided like this:

RGB(255, zero, zero)

RGB defines the values of purple (the primary variety), inexperienced (the second variety), or blue (the 1/3 variety). The variety zero indicates no illustration of the shadeation and 255 indicates the very best viable attention to the shadeation.

So, withinside the above instance, you get the brightest purple viable with no inexperienced or blue provided. If you desire the best inexperienced, you`d use RGB(zero, 255, zero) and for blue, RGB(zero, zero, 255). For different shades, you`ll use a mixture of shadeation values to gain the appearance you need.

How to Read Color Codes

Once you certainly recognize RGB you may pass on and discover ways to examine hex codes. It`s certainly pretty easy as soon as you realize the formula. As noted above, values 1 and nine are said numerically. However, for values that can be 10 and better, letters update the numbers. So, A=10, B=eleven, C=12, and so on.
  • Now, to calculate the hexadecimal variety, there are 3 brief steps (as additionally said above):

  • Multiply the primary variety (or transformed variety from the letter) with the aid of using 16.

  • Multiply the second one variety (or transformed variety from the letter) with the aid of using 1.

  • Add the one's totals collectively to get an unmarried price.

  • For instance, the hexadecimal variety for the variety eighty-three is absolutely 131. We come to this end with the aid of using:

  • Multiplying the eight in eighty-three with the aid of using 16 (8x16=128).

  • Multiplying the three in eighty-three with the aid of using 1 (3x1=three).

  • Adding the 2 totals collectively (128+three=131).

  • Another manner to think about it is:

  • (8x16) + (3x1) = 131

Working with letters is an identical concept. For instance, FF = 255 due to the fact you multiply the variety that represents F (15) with the aid of using 16, then multiply the variety that represents the second one F (15) with the aid of using 1. Then upload the 2 totals collectively to identical 255. Recognize that the variety 255 is similar to the RGB variety 255, that's shiny purple.

If you will as an alternative now no longer carry out intellectual calculations, use an RGB to HEX conversion tool.

Predicting Colors

Once you recognize the numbers, you`ll be capable of expecting what a shadeation will appear like primarily based totally upon the depth of purple, inexperienced, and/or blue values. So, in case you recognize that most purple without inexperienced or blue is #FF0000, then you may mentally modify the values of a piece to get an estimate for a unique shadeation.

Another instance of a hex shadeation code is #7DD0D7, which offers you a greenish blue.

Common Color Codes and Their RGB Equivalents

It may be beneficial to memorize a number of the maximum, not unusual place shadeation codes, now no longer best while you need to apply the ones' precise shades however that will help you higher expecting what different shades might be whilst seeing a shadeation code.
  • Red = #FF0000 = RGB(255, zero, zero)

  • Green = #008000 = RGB(1, 128, zero)

  • Blue = #0000FF = RGB(zero, zero, 255)

  • White = #FFFFFF = RGB(255,255,255)

  • Ivory = #FFFFF0 = RGB(255, 255, 240)

  • Black = #000000 = RGB(zero, zero, zero)

  • Gray = #808080 = RGB(128, 128, 128)

  • Silver = #C0C0C0 = RGB(192, 192, 192)

  • Yellow = #FFFF00 = RGB(255, 255, zero)

  • Purple = #800080 = RGB(128, zero, 128)

  • Orange = FFA500 = RGB(255, 165, zero)

  • Maroon = #800000 = RGB(128, zero, zero)

  • Fuchsia = #FF00FF = RGB(255, zero, 255)

  • Lime = #00FF00 = RGB(zero, 255, zero)

  • Aqua = #00FFFF = RGB(zero, 255, 255)

  • Teal = #008080 = RGB(zero, 128, 128)

  • Olive = #808000 = RGB(128, 128, zero)

  • Navy = #000080 = RGB(zero, zero, 128)

Find greater hex shadeation codes or choose an HTML shadeation and get its coinciding call and codes.

Choosing a Color Scheme

The fastest manner to pick out a color scheme in your task is to apply a color palette device that lets you look at groupings via way of means:
  • Color

  • Style

  • Keyword

  • Hex fee

Schemes primarily based totally on what's trending or famous

The identical device lets you generate your very own scheme via way of means of randomly choosing and locking in hues that you like and that appear properly together.

Once you've got selected a color scheme, you can:
Create a collage
Explore and create a gradient
Check the contrasts
Adjust the hue, saturation, brightness, and temperature
Each color is assigned a hex color code on the way to use. In the end, you`ll have a custom color scheme that completely personifies your task.

But, earlier than you compromise on a palette, recollect those color layout tips:

Consider the context.
Refer to the color wheel.
Choose a monochromatic, triadic, or cut-up complementary color scheme.
Think past the presets.

To convert, paste a string in this kind of color codec, for example, "C8D53E", into the enter subject and click on convert. The end result might be withinside the segment Conversions, and the subsequent sections will offer you additional info on the color.

Some color codecs use identical notation, and the conversion will wager the composition of the hunt query. As an example, in case you try and convert the string "65°, 71%, 84%" it is able to be an HSV or HSL color, the conversion will expect HSL in this case.

As this will result in incorrect conversions, you may outline which layout you're passing with the aid of using wrapping your color string in brackets with the layout in front. The seek string "HSV(65°, 71%, 84%)" will provide you with an appropriate HSV color as there's no want to wager the layout. Other examples might be "CIELAB(81.96, -22.72, 68.85)", "CIELCH(82, 72.504, 108.260)", "YXY(60.2157, 0.3964, 0.4923)" and "CMYK(0.06, 0.00, 0.71, 0.16)".


In the info segment, you first get a precis of the color and, if to be had, an outline like "darkish muted red". You can see the color distribution in specific codecs. For example, withinside the RGB layout, you get to understand the quantity of red, green, and blue for your color.

At last, you get brightness and saturation gradients of your color in 10% steps. So in case you want a brighter or darker version, you may choose it from here.


The harmonies essentially display shades that move nicely with the color you're presently viewing. If you want one of the harmonies, you may at once create a 🌈 CSS Gradient or 🔧 CSS Text Shadow from it or view the concord as a 🖌️ Color Bucket.

SVG Images

This quick segment suggests a choice of SVG documents with the use of cutting-edge color. You can download those documents and use them for your projects, for example, as a historical past image.


Do you need to peer at how your color appears in a white or black historical past? Then you have to test out the "Previews" segment of the color web page.

You additionally see the color evaluation of your color on those backgrounds and get a hyperlink to the Color Contrast Checker together along with your colour preselected.

Color Blindness Simulation

When you pick a color for your venture, you may need to maintain in thoughts how this color is perceived with the aid of using everyone with a color imaginative and prescient deficiency. Therefore I even have delivered this segment displaying previews of your color for specific color imaginative and prescient deficiencies.

CSS Examples

If you're new to internet development, you may need to peer the way to practice your color as foreground, historical past, or border color. The "CSS Examples" segment offers you precisely this, assisting the way to use cutting-edge color in CSS.

If you're viewing a color in a layout now no longer to be had in CSS, then you'll see the color transformed into a well-matched layout.

Color Bucket

Are you determined on shades in your subsequent venture and need to download them as a palette or percentage them with pals to talk about your decision? Then you have to study the color bucket. It permits you to keep up to ten shades, auto-creates color palettes for every one of those shades primarily based totally on the lightness and offers you a WCAG matrix.

You can download every of the color palettes or the chosen shades as a GIMP, Adobe® ASE, or Tailwind CSS palette. Additionally, you may view the whole thing as a 🌈 CSS Gradient, 🔧 CSS Text Shadow, or 📷 Color Palette Image.

To upload a color to your color bucket, I positioned a hyperlink "❤️ Add this color to the bucket" withinside the header segment of every web page on this website.


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